Get to know the content activities that will take place in parallel to the 3 days of the exhibition. Detailed schedules for each activity will be released in the coming weeks, as well as the early registration:

3 Forums:
• Urban Air Mobility using eVTOLs
• Geoinformation and Digital Twins in Smart Cities Management
• Opportunities and Challenges of the New Space Industry

3 Seminars:
• Geospatial Technologies in the Environment and Carbon Credits
• Geographic Information and AI in Agribusiness
• Integration of GIS and AI in Decision Making

9 Courses:
• Drone Image Processing
• Drone Inspections
• Integration of Geographic Information with AI
• Aerial Surveys with Drones
• Drones in the Agroforestry Sector
• Urban Cadastre
• Reality Capture with Lidar
• Georeferencing of Rural Properties
• Orbital Image Processing with Google Earth Engine

9 Workshops:
• Security
• Mining
• Defense
• Oil & Gas
• ArcGIS Users
• QGIS Users
• Aerospace Engineering
• Cartographic and Surveying Engineering
• Natural Disasters